301 A.D.

Armenia becomes the first nation to embrace Christianity

1.5 M

Armenian Christians lost in the “forgotten genocide” during 1915-1916


Religiously cleansed from Artsakh after attacks by Azerbaijan in 2023


American People of Faith Support Armenia

Save Armenia is a unique coalition of Christians and Jews who refuse to allow Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia to go unpunished. Armenia, the easternmost outpost of the Western World, holds both religious significance and strategic value for the United States, Israel, and our Western allies.

We are a voice for the last Christian nation in the Middle East.

Armenia is on the Verge of Disappearing

Just over 100 years ago, the Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey) slaughtered 1.5 million Armenian Christians in what is now known as the Armenian Genocide. Today, the birth pangs of a second genocide at the hands of Turkey and Azerbaijan are in motion. In September of 2023, Azerbaijan ethnically cleansed 120,000 Armenians from their ancient homeland in Artsakh, and Baku has made clear that it doesn't intend to stop there.

This unique coalition aims to convene the right powers and stop the Second Armenian Genocide. Together, we are driven to hold Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable for their ongoing crimes against humanity and to be a voice for the Armenian people.

America's Legacy of Support

During the genocide of 1915, the American Church rallied in unprecedented fashion to collect and send aid to Armenian refugees. In the words of one historian, these efforts "quite literally kept an entire nation alive."  The Church in the United States can and will once again be a voice for the voiceless, and answer the Biblical call to care for those in need.

America's Jewish community also has a proud history of standing with the Armenian people. Henry Morgenthau, America's Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and a prominent Jewish figure, was perhaps the single greatest advocate for Armenians within the American government at the time.

When Armenia faced its hour of greatest need, the American people answered the call; and we stand ready to do so again. Together, we will Save Armenia.

Read lESS
Armenia, the first Christian Nation ever, is in the crosshairs of Azeri genocide and persecution. I am honored and humbled to be a voice for Armenia and its people.
Denise Bubeck, Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network
Armenia is a cultural and religious treasure that Save Armenia is working diligently to protect. This is invaluable work I strongly support.
Former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback
Save Armenia is a project as urgent as it is essential, humbled to be a part of this great initiative.
Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute, Ambassador Alberto M. Fernandez
Armenia, the first Christian Nation ever, is in the crosshairs of Azeri genocide and persecution. I am honored and humbled to be a voice for Armenia and its people.
Denise Bubeck, Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network
Armenia is a cultural and religious treasure that Save Armenia is working diligently to protect. This is invaluable work I strongly support.
Former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback
Save Armenia is a project as urgent as it is essential, humbled to be a part of this great initiative.
Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute, Ambassador Alberto M. Fernandez

Meet the Team

Founder of Save Armenia

James Tufenkian

For over 20 years, James Tufenkian has been committed to using his business ventures to better the lives of workers and communities in Armenia and beyond. Beginning in 1993 he brought to Armenia his experience in hand-made carpets production and design to revive the industry there, and to provide employment when the country was in nearly complete collapse. Following on the success of this venture, he committed to creating hotel infrastructure and helping draw tourism into the regions of Armenia with his boutique chain of Tufenkian Heritage Hotels located throughout the country. In 1999 he founded the Tufenkian Foundation to bring about changes in Armenia that market forces alone could not accomplish. Under his stewardship, the Foundation’s activities have constantly evolved to seek innovative solutions addressing the nation's most urgent needs, especially those which the international aid community is reluctant to take on. Following the 2022 occupation of sovereign Armenia and the siege and ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, James began concentrating more heavily on garnering political and religious support for Armenia among American Christians.

James Tufenkian

Founder of Save Armenia

Co-Founder of Save Armenia

Robert Nicholson

Robert Nicholson is Editor at Large of Providence magazine, co-founder and board member of Save Armenia, founder of The Philos Project, and co-founder of Passages Israel. Robert also serves on the advisory board of In Defense of Christians and The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc). A formerly enlisted Marine and Tikvah Fellow, he holds a BA in Hebrew Studies from Binghamton University, and a JD and MA in Middle Eastern History from Syracuse University. His written work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Telegraph, New York Post, Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, Newsweek, First Things, The Hill, and National Interest.

Robert Nicholson

Co-Founder of Save Armenia

Founder & Editor of Compact magazine

Sohrab Ahmari

Sohrab Ahmari is a founder and editor of Compact magazine, a contributing editor of The American Conservative, and a visiting fellow of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University. His books include Tyranny, Inc.: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty–and What to Do About It (Forum Books, 2023), From Fire, by Water: My Journey to the Catholic Faith (Ignatius, 2019), and The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos (Convergent/Random House, 2021).

Sohrab Ahmari

Founder & Editor of Compact magazine

Former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom

Sam Brownback

In 1994, Sam Brownback was elected to represent Kansas’ 2nd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1996 he was elected to the U.S. Senate. In the Senate he was a leading advocate for freedom of religious liberty around the globe. Sam worked actively on the issue in multiple countries and was a key sponsor of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. In 2010, Sam ran for Governor of Kansas. He became the 46th Governor of the Sunflower State in 2011 and was re-elected in 2014. President Trump nominated Sam to serve as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom in 2017. He resigned as Governor of Kansas on January 31, 2018 and was sworn in to his diplomatic post the next day. He served as Ambassador until January 2021. He currently serves as co-chair of the International Religious Freedom Summit and is a Senior Fellow with Global Christian Relief. He is also chairman of the National Committee for Religious Freedom.

Sam Brownback

Former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom

Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network

Denise Bubeck

Denise Bubeck serves as the Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network at The FAMiLY Leader where she provides pastors and clergy with opportunities to engage with elected officials at the state and federal level. Her career is marked by devoted volunteerism at numerous other organizations including the local food pantry, an advisory board member for Iowans Supporting Israel, refugee organizations, and her church. As a recent cancer survivor, through a local non-profit organization, Denise passionately partners with cancer patients on their journey. Denise is a Christian delegate to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and is currently serving on the AIPAC National Council.

Denise Bubeck

Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network

Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute

Alberto M. Fernandez

Alberto M. Fernandez is Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a position he held from 2015 to 2017. He previously served as President of Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN), a US government-funded Arabic-language broadcast, online and radio news organization, from 2017 to 2020. Prior to joining MEMRI, Ambassador Fernandez was a career U.S. Foreign Service Officer from 1983 to 2015 and served as the State Department’s Coordinator for the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications from 2012 to 2015. He also served as U.S. Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea and U.S. Charge d’Affaires to Sudan. He also held senior public diplomacy positions at the U.S. embassies in Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Guatemala, Kuwait, and in the Department’s Near East Affairs (NEA) Bureau.

Alberto M. Fernandez

Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute

Editor at large for Tablet Magazine

Liel Leibovitz

Liel Leibovitz is editor at large for Tablet Magazine and the co-host of its popular podcast, Unorthodox. He's also a columnist for First Things and a frequent contributor to other publications, including The New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. He's the author or co-author of several books, including, most recently, How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Very Old Book. He holds a Ph.D. in communications from Columbia University, and has taught at Barnard and New York University before fleeing academia. A native of Israel and a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces, he lives in Manhattan with his wife and children.

Liel Leibovitz

Editor at large for Tablet Magazine

Founder of Social Lite Creative

Emily Schrader

Emily Schrader is the founder of Social Lite Creative, a political marketing consultancy firm. Emily is also the former digital director of one of the largest pro-Israel organizations, where she transformed their social media platforms into one of the leading sources of information in English and Arabic about the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Emily previously worked in digital marketing on political campaigns, and holds degrees from USC (BA) and Tel Aviv University (MA).

Emily Schrader

Founder of Social Lite Creative

President & CEO of Global Christian Relief

Dr. David Curry

David Curry is the President and CEO of Global Christian Relief, an international ministry that advocates on behalf of those who are persecuted for their Christian faith. GCR works to support Christians in the most oppressive countries in the world. Curry has traveled to several continents to encourage those living under persecution and raise awareness of this issue. Curry also serves as a Commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent, bipartisan, federal government entity established by Congress to monitor, analyze, and report on religious freedom abroad. He has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and the Christian Broadcasting Network, among others. He is a contributor to Christianity Today, The Christian Post, Religion News Service and Huffington Post. David is a popular speaker on ethical leadership and life transformation. He holds an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Faith Evangelical College and Seminary and received a B.A. from Northwest University.

Dr. David Curry

President & CEO of Global Christian Relief

Civil Rights Activist

Dr. Alveda King

Dr. Alveda King, a celebrated civil rights activist, author, and former Georgia State Representative, brings a wealth of experience in advocating for justice. As the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. King has continued her family’s legacy of championing human dignity and advancing moral clarity. Through her work with various humanitarian initiatives, she has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for communities across the globe.

Dr. Alveda King

Civil Rights Activist

Matias Perttula

Director of Save Armenia

Director of Save Armenia

Matias Perttula

Matias Perttula is the Director of Save Armenia: A Judeo-Christian Alliance. Previously, Perttula served as the Director of the Center for American Values at the America First Policy Institute. Before joining AFPI, Perttula was the Director of Advocacy for International Christian Concern (ICC), where he led the government relations efforts to inform the key legislators on global religious freedom challenges facing Christians and other religious minorities. During his time at ICC, he traveled to Nigeria and Pakistan, where he worked with government and civil society leaders to promote religious freedom. He also chaired the Program Committee for the International Religious Freedom Summit in 2021 and 2022. Perttula completed his master’s in business administration in 2013 at Southeastern University and was named the most outstanding graduate of his class. Perttula previously completed his bachelor’s degree in political science and history at the University of California, Los Angeles. He also studied at the Harvard Extension School in International Security Studies.

Dan Harre

Deputy Director of Save Armenia

Deputy Director of Save Armenia

Dan Harre

Dan Harre is the Deputy Director of Save Armenia: A Judeo-Christian Alliance. Before joining Save Armenia, Dan served as the Leadership Network Associate at The Philos Project. He is a graduate of Regent University’s Robertson School of Government where he earned an M.A. in National Security Studies with an emphasis in Middle East Politics. Prior to attending Regent, he worked as the Statewide Field Director on Josh Hawley’s 2016 attorney general campaign, and as a staff assistant for U.S. Senator Roy Blunt. Dan is passionate about foreign policy, the MENA region, and international religious freedom.
Coalition Partners

120,000 Reasons Coalition

 In 2023, 120,000 Reasons was established in response to a 9-month blockade imposed by Azerbaijan on the territory of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), which was then followed by an invasion and the ethnic cleansing of 120,000 Christian Armenians from the region. The campaign led to bipartisan condemnation of Azerbaijan and Turkey by top policymakers, resulting in the Senate's passage of the Armenian Protection Act of 2023, which is currently awaiting approval in the House. This legislation aims to stop the flow of American financial and military aid to Azerbaijan which is inevitably used against Christians.  The 120,000 Reasons Coalition was born in response to Azerbaijan's ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, and stands as a bulwark against those who seek to drive Armenia's Christians from their ancient homeland.

People of Armenia

You are Preserving Faith, Freedom and Democracy

Many American Christians have probably never heard of the small nation of Armenia but this country of 3 million people holds tremendous spiritual significance for the global church and remains a strong U.S. ally in the Middle East. Our work reaches beyond reaching policymakers and contributes to the safety and sovereignty of the  Armenian nation.

Together, we are a voice to ensure Armenia’s continued survival and flourishing.

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